Mark Cadicamo's past Broadway experiences

For Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, we had to fabricate many motorized props. The Child Catchers cart was rear wheel drive and steered through the front wheels of the fiberglass sculpted horse. The horse head was articulated, so when you pulled him left or right the wheels turned as well. Truly Scrump's motocycle also need major modifications for the stage. Electric motors were hidden inside the fabricated side car. The side car actually became the drive wheel, while all controls were still on the handle bars.

Most of the furniature for the LaCage apartment was carved out of foam and then fiberglassed. The Turtle table had a bobbel head feature. This was soon disabled because it became too distracting during the performance.

Prop food is a standard on stage. Jersey Boys had plenty. The mixed drinks were all solid resin, For the milk, they asked for it to move. so I came up with a formula that had the same translucent feel of milk and that moved in similar ways. The Tv camera was PVC and wood.